Dining On the Social Economy: Local, Sustainable Food Systems and Policy Development


  • Jennifer Sumner Director, Certificate Program in Adult Education for Sustainability, Adult Education and Community Development Program, OISE/University of Toronto


Civil commons, food systems, food production, policy development, sustainability


Although the social economy has a long historical connection to food, these links have not been well explored or understood, particularly with respect to social policy. But given the well-documented range of negative impacts brought on by a world economy dominated by large multinational corporations engaged in global trade, social economy organizations associated with food are more necessary than ever. This paper will examine the connections between the social economy, sustainability, and sustainable food systems, before moving on to look at the role of the social economy in our current global unsustainable food system and in a projected local, sustainable food system. It will conclude with a discussion of the social economy and the enactment of local sustainable food policy that can model alternatives to help reorient the economy and social institutions toward ensuring everyone is fed within the ecological limits of the planet. Si les liens entre l'économie sociale et l'alimentation sont loin d'être nouveaux, ils restent peu étudiés ou peu compris, surtout en matière de politique sociale. On n'ignore pourtant rien des répercussions néfastes de notre économie, où le commerce mondial est le fait de grandes multinationales, et dans un tel contexte, on a plus que jamais besoin d'organismes d'économie sociale en rapport avec l'alimentation. Nous commencerons par nous pencher sur ce qui unit l'économie sociale, la durabilité et les systèmes alimentaires durables. Nous comparerons ensuite le rôle de l'économie sociale dans le système alimentaire non durable actuellement en place à l'échelle mondiale et celui qu'elle jouerait dans un système alimentaire durable local. Nous terminerons par une discussion sur l'économie sociale et la mise en place d'une politique alimentaire durable à l'échelle locale, capable de créer des solutions qui contribueront à réorienter les institutions économiques et sociales, afin de veiller à ce que l’alimentation des êtres humains s’inscrive dans les limites écologiques de la planète.

Author Biography

Jennifer Sumner, Director, Certificate Program in Adult Education for Sustainability, Adult Education and Community Development Program, OISE/University of Toronto

Jennifer Sumner teaches in the Adult Education and Community Development Program at OISE/University of Toronto, where she is also Director of the Certificate Program in Adult Education for Sustainability. She is the author of Sustainability and the Civil Commons: Rural Communities in the Age of Globalization (University of Toronto Press 2005/2007) and co-editor of Critical Perspectives in Food Studies (Oxford 2012). Research interests include: food, sustainability, rural communities, critical pedagogy, the civil commons




How to Cite

Sumner, J. (2012). Dining On the Social Economy: Local, Sustainable Food Systems and Policy Development. Canadian Review of Social Policy Revue Canadienne De Politique Sociale, (67). Retrieved from https://crsp3.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/crsp/article/view/35292