Book Review: The Resilience Imperative, Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-State Economy


  • Launa R Linaker Doctoral Student, Department of Educational Policy Studies, The University of Alberta


This is a book review

Author Biography

Launa R Linaker, Doctoral Student, Department of Educational Policy Studies, The University of Alberta

Launa begins a doctoral program in Adult Education at the University of Alberta, Fall 2012. After graduating with her MBA in 2005, Launa developed knowledge of issues facing Alberta’s rural economy and further researched mechanism to support community economic development. These included business incubation and succession planning to ensure the livelihood of enterprises providing goods and services to and in rural communities. Previously Launa consulted to entrepreneurs and business leaders in Alberta. Launa is a manager in a family firm and is also a sessional instructor in the Bachelor of Commerce program at MacEwan University. Research interests include: Capacity building for social innovation, designing innovative cultures, capacity building for leadership and management in non profits, community economic development, social entrepreneurship, transformative learning, problem solving as a process, social economy




How to Cite

Linaker, L. R. (2012). Book Review: The Resilience Imperative, Co-operative Transitions to a Steady-State Economy. Canadian Review of Social Policy Revue Canadienne De Politique Sociale, (67). Retrieved from