Designing Social Value Architecture for the For-Profit Company


  • Carol Liao Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia; Director of Corporate Innovation, Tyze Personal Networks Ltd.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Carol Liao, Doctoral Student, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia; Director of Corporate Innovation, Tyze Personal Networks Ltd.

Carol Liao is a Ph.D. Student in Law at the University of British Columbia and the Director of Corporate Innovation at Tyze Personal Networks Ltd. ( She holds a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship and is the recipient of the 2012 Robert Bertram Doctoral Research Award. This article developed from Tyze’s desire to establish legal infrastructure in support of its social mandate. Generous funding support from Vancity Savings and Credit Union and Mitacs-Accelerate is gratefully acknowledged. Research interests include corporate law and governance, corporate social responsibility, law and economics, and securities regulation.




Comment citer

Liao, C. (2012). Designing Social Value Architecture for the For-Profit Company. Canadian Review of Social Policy Revue Canadienne De Politique Sociale, (67). Consulté à l’adresse