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Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale
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No. 27 (1990)
No. 27 (1990)
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The Globalized Economy: What Does it Mean for Canadian Social and Environmental Policy?
F. Tester
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Les politiques sociales canadiennes dans les années 80
J-P. Deslauriers
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Le Régime d'assistance publique du Canada: revue de la littérature québécoise et canadienne
Y. Vaillancourt
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La garantie d'un financement public adéquate dans le domaine de la santé et des services sociaux
D. Fugère
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Youth Protection: State or Community Control
L. Davies, L. Mastronardi, E. Shragge
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State Funding and Immigrant Services: The Experience of an Immigrant Women's Group in the Maritimes
R. Ng, E. Kwan, B. Miedema
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Decentralization in Winnipeg: Assessing the Effects of Community-Based Child Welfare Services
B. McKenzie
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On the Meaning and Significance of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Y. Kly
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Issues and Debates/Issues et Débats
'Fortress Europe' - The Shape of European Racism in the 1990s
L. Dominelli
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Que devient la politique sociale en union soviétique?
I. Myhul
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Human Services in the USSR - Preliminary Observations
Otto Driedger
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La politique sociale en transformation: l'Allemagne observée
M. Beattie
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Rethinking 'The Master Principle of Administering Relief' in Upper Canada: A Response to Allan Irving
R. Smandych
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Reviews/Comptes Rendus
Wherefore, Where to the Welfare State? by Ramesh Mishra
H. Shewell
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Privatization and Health Care - The Case of Ontario Nursing Homes, by Vera Ingrid Tarman
J. Gandy
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Pay Equity: The Labour-Feminist Challenge, by C. Cuneo
J. Keck
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Metro's Housing Company: The First 35 Years, by Michael McMahon
A. Rose
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Canadian Child Welfare: Children, Families and the State, edited by Nicholas Bala, Joseph P. Hornick and Robin Vogl
M. Wright
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